The Candidates
The Voters...
The Times's Katharine Q. Seelye narrates a look back at the two-year campaign.
We live in a world where heroism, love, comedy and tragedy color our lives on a daily basis. We as humans are capable of the most daring, courageous, and inspirational acts; while at the same time have the power to ravage and ruthlessly destroy our neighbors, and our friends. The conflict rests within. How we manifest that dichotomy is how we define ourselves.
The Times's Katharine Q. Seelye narrates a look back at the two-year campaign.
You can’t plan on love, you can’t rationalize it, you can’t keep it, you can’t hold it. All you can do is enjoy it, and be with it, and live every minute as it comes to you. If you have love in your heart right now, enjoy it for the gift that it is, and if you have lost it or it has left you, enjoy it for what it was but let it go and clear your life and soul so that you may be available for next time that it comes.
And in the meanwhile, enjoy the path. Without the bad, how would we know the good? Life is lived on a spectrum. We need difficult times in order to recognize the great times.